NEXT: A Soul Session Music Meditation
What do you want to claim, create or transform in your life right now? as you vision for 2022? Join us for 7-weeks of grounded, soulful intentionality in our free, online community Àṣẹ meditation practice.
Friday, February 25, 2022
8:00am - 9:00am PT
Scroll down to join!
Fill in the form below and we will send you the Zoom link for our 7-week Manifestation Monday Àṣẹ community meditation, and keep you updated on additional opportunities to meditate with us.
Tap into your soul's wisdom and the power of setting intentions to manifest what you want to create in your life. Our practice is all about Activating Soul Energy.
Àṣẹ (pronounced Ah-Shay) is a West African, Yoruba-origin concept that refers to the vital life energy that activates the power of manifestation. Similar concepts exist in cultures and spiritual traditions around the world (e.g., Ka, Qi, Ki, Prana, Mana, Wakan, Teotl, Orenda, Holy Spirit, Ruach). Àṣẹ is often said aloud to affirm "so it is" or "make it so".
The purpose of our guided communal practice is to create a space to allow your soul's intention to come into awareness, and then focus your attention and energy on manifestation of that intention. You will name it and claim it so that you can attain it. There is power in collective intentionality and communal energy. We all benefit from the enlivened interconnectedness of sharing time and space together.
This is an audio meditation so come as you are, from wherever you are.
"Doors open" at 7am PT with calming and rhythmic meditation music. During this time you can take a moment to get comfortable, settle your body, calm your mind, and prepare yourself to listen in to your soul's intention.
Meditation starts at 7:10am PT. The 20-minute guided experience will include breath and focusing practices, as well as meditative space for your week's intention to emerge and evolve.
Journaling or writing a few notes/reflections/insights before and after the practice is recommended. Writing out your intention is an important aspect of claiming it fully. We have developed a special journal for our 7-week Manifestation Mondays series to support the practice. The journal will be available before we begin on November 1st.
Additional info (including the Zoom link) will be sent to you after you have joined below.